Science Build Introduction

Chapter   1: Introduction on how to science

Chapter 2: Equipment

Chapter 3: Consoles

Chapter 4: BOffs and Abilities

Chapter 5: DOffs

Chapter 6: Skill Tree, Specializations

Chapter 7: Traits

Chapter 8: Sample build on a budget

Chapter 9: Screenshots of the sample build


So you wanna be a space wizard – or how to science, chapter one: the introduction

Last updated: June 28th 2020 21:53 CEST

First of all, a disclaimer. This “guide” is neither complete nor perfect, and it does not cover every science option the game offers. It is not the “ultimate truth”. Try to understand the basics, what is done and why it is done. Then go experiment, make the build your own by modifying it to your liking and to match your personal playstyle. With that being said, let's dive in now.

Science builds focus on dealing damage with (surprise) science abilities (we will not look at specialized niche builds for fixed teams in elite content here, like healer or (de)buffer). These abilities need EPG (exotic particle generator) or exotic damage boosts, and the ones I have chosen in this guide also profit from ctrlX and DoT buffs, so we focus on that.
Criticals (crit chance = crit hit = crtH, and crit severity = crit damage = crtD) matter too for any damage based build, they boost your damage a lot.
There are other options for advanced/niche builds as well (like drainX and some more), but we want to go through the basics first.

Energy weapons barely contribute to your damage output and are mainly present for set bonuses. This also means your subsystem energy will be set to AUX, which will improve your science stats further, but leaving less energy = less damage for energy weapons. Torpedoes on the other hand are not affected by weapon subsystem energy, so they come in handy for weapon slots. Especially torpedoes with secondary damage (besides kinetic) based on exotic damage or a damage over time (DoT), which can be boosted by your science abilities and stats. Examples for those are the Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo, the Gravimetric Torpedo and the Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo.

For the ship, you want a science ship of any flavour. Two or three SCI seats are preferred, with at least one Commander and ideally one Lt.Com. - that will give enough space for high-rank SCI abilities for damage as well as Photonic Officer I or II for cooldown reduction. You also want as many SCI console slots as possible (ideally 5).

tl;dr: No cheating around this time, you'll need to read everything to understand the basics of science builds.

Chapter 2: Equipment - Let's have a look at possible loadouts.

Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo (projectile R&D lv15 or exchange, ideally with the Spr mod on ultra rare) and Gravimetric Torpedo (Dyson reputation). The kinetic damage is not what we are looking for, but the plasma DoT and the gravimetric rifts as those are buffed by the science stats.
Fill the other slots with something like the Dyson set (for more crit), the Delphic set (more crit), Delta torp+beam (more radiation damage), Chronometric set (ability to boost exotic damage), the Morphogenic set (more crit), or Dark Matter Torp (+ Lorca console for 2pc set bonus = crtD stacks).

Temporal Defense shield + either engines or warp core (buffs DoTs). Pair that with the Competitive Wargames engines if you want to be more agile, or the elite fleet isolated protomatter warp core, or any warp core that boosts AUX.
For the deflector, the colony deflector with EPG, ctrlX and ColCrit mods is great. A good alternative is the Bajoran deflector, re-engineered for EPG/ctrlX, or the Solenae deflector.
The Strategic deteriorating secondary deflector with [SA +Dmg] from the fleet research lab is perfect for these types of SCI builds, re-engineered for as many [EPG] and [CtrlX] mods as possible. This should also be one of the first items to upgrade to Mk XV.

Slot Exotic Particle Flood Battery consumables (Science R&D Lv10) in a device slot, for some additional exotic damage when needed.

Chapter 3: Consoles for fun and Science

One Exotic Particle Field Exciter (Science R&D lv15 or exchange – ideally with an EPG mod, but ctrlX is also fine, or anything else if you are on a tight budget). Fill the remaining SCI slots with fleet research lab consoles (Particle Focuser, either restorative = proc on heals, or exotic = proc on exotic damage – those are tricky though, as they proc on the last tick of abilities).
Particle Generator consoles are the ultra-low-end filler while you earn your fleet credits for the particle focusers from the fleet research lab.

Delphic Tear and Constriction Anchor are the most powerful consoles for SCI builds, so save some EC to get them off the exchange (or ask in fleet if someone is willing to provide them cheaper – I usually have some around). Use some fillers in between that improve your build otherwise – either EPG/ctrlX bonus, more survivability (e.g. some hull regen, or any healing console you might have access to, like Overloaded SIF Linkage, Protomatter Field Projector, Reiterative Structural Capacitor or Hull Image Refractors), or something buffing agility if you prefer that.

Chronometric Capacitor is a good console when using the Chronometric set, and its free (Mission: Time and Tide).

Additional good consoles are:

Chapter 4: The skill, the BOff and the Ability

Now let's get to the BOffs and the main abilities we want to use as the core of our build:
Other SCI abilities:
Specialization Seats:
Other abilities:
Don't forget to enable the auto-trigger in the radiant menus for abilities that support it, and pick the most useful abilities that need to be manually triggered for the menu buttons. This applies to the three BOff ability categories, captain's abilities and console/ship abilities.

Chapter 5: More BOffs and even more important, DOffs

Let's have a look which specific BOffs could improve the build even more with some additional passive stat boosts that can be the final adjustment to improve the build:
These are not necessary and it's totally fine to use the BOffs that match your theme.

Generally speaking, the only mandatory doffs a sci-torp ship should have is 3 Projectile weapons officers (either torp recharge variant or 1-2 +crit severity variant) and 1 gravimetric scientist (either recharge or the standard gravity well aftershock variant). My own preference is to use one Projectile officer for quicker recharges and 2 for more crit severity on builds with quick recharging torpedoes (10s or less default), or two Projectile officers for quicker recharges and 1 for more crit severity on builds with slow recharging torpedoes (>10s), in both cases combined with one gravimetric scientist of the recharge variant.
I suggest using one Photonic Studies Scientist too, but it’s up to you how to fill the rest.

Expensive, but very useful additions useful for final tuning of a higher end build:

Chapter 6: Of Skill Trees and Specs

Moving on to the captain. The career is not that important, both Tac and SCI have their own treats, and even an Engineer is suitable. The skill tree however is more important and differs from typical energy DPS or tank builds. If you don’t want to retrain every time you switch, having a dedicated captain for SCI builds is a big plus.

Skill Tree:
This differs quite a bit from the typical skill tree for energy weapon builds. You want to have:
Distribute the remaining points to your liking, I prefer some points in hull regen for example. Make sure you have at least 12 points in science and 10 each in tactical and engineering. Don’t glance at the ultimates for filling all points in one sub-tree, those ultimates aren’t worth it for 99% of the builds.

Temporal Operative is great as both primary and secondary. Miracle Worker can be nice as primary, not so much as secondary. Strategist and Constable can be viable choices for secondary too.

Chapter 7: Trick or Trait

Personal Space Traits:
Particle Manipulator (Science R&D lv15); must-have trait because it's the most powerful for science builds with a HUGE boost of crit! You can easily get +50% crtH (capped) and +40% crtD (or more) for exotic damage abilities.
(Superior) Astrophysicist, Conservational Energy, Enlightened are what I would consider the more important ones. Fill up with Inspirational Leader, Context is for Kings, Pseudo Submission, Terran Targeting Systems, Into the Breach, Adaptive Offense, Ablative Shell, Invasive Control Programming, and if there are still slots left (some traits can be expensive), use some free traits that enhance survivability.

Reputation Traits:
For the 5th slot (unlockable at the Fleet Research Lab), choose one of the following:
Starship Traits:
Improved gravity well – save for this one if you don’t have it yet!
Temporal Anchor, Spore Infused Anomalies, Improved Photonic Officer, Exotic Manipulation, Honored Dead, Retaliation, Checkmate - those are some that come to my mind. Others might be useful too.
Starship traits can get expensive when you need to own a ship for them, so use what you have available that ideally builds up some synergy with the build.

Chapter 8: A sample of how a science build might look like

I took the Somerville for a sample loadout, as it was available cheap in several charity sales and codes have been available in player organized giveaways. You can adapt this loadout to other ships once you get the basics of how everything works together.

The options chosen are for a really cheap budget build. I was able to get around 100k DPS with it in Elite Japori (6:19 runtime). After switching in the more expensive options, the DPS increased to almost 200k (3:14 runtime).


Somerville Sample Loadout

Captain Details

Captain Name:  No One 
Captain Career:  Science 
Captain Faction:  Federation 
Primary Specialization:  Temporal 
Secondary Specialization:  Strategist 

Space Skill Tree

Rank  Engineering    Science    Tactical   
Lieutenant  Improved Hull Restoration  Improved Hull Capacity  Improved Shield Restoration  Shield Capacity     
Lt. Commander  Improved Electro-Plasma System Flow  Improved Impulse Expertise  Improved Control Expertise  Drain Expertise  Improved Targeting Expertise  Improved Defensive Maneuvering 
  Full Impulse Energy Shunt    Control Amplification       
Commander    Improved Damage Control  Improved Shield Regeneration    Weapon Amplification  Weapon Specialization 
Captain  Defensive Subsystem Tuning  Offensive Subsystem Tuning  Advanced Exotic Particle Generator  Advanced Long Range Targeting Sensors    Improved Shield Weakening 
  Shield Subsystem Performance           
  Auxiliary Subsystem Performance  Engine Subsystem Performance         
Admiral  Warp Core Potential  Improved Engineering Readiness    Improved Scientific Readiness    Improved Tactical Readiness 
0 Points Left  19    17    10   

Space Skill Unlocks

Purchases  Engineering  Science  Tactical 
Hazard Emitters III  Science Team III  Tachyon Beam III 
Battery Expertise  Sector Space Travel Speed  Threat Control 
Feedback Pulse III  Photonic Shockwave III  Jam Sensors III 
10  Maximum Hull Capacity  Maximum Shield Capacity  Projectile Critical Damage 
12  Polarize Hull III  Gravity Well III   
15  Shield Subsystem Power  Control Resistance   
17  Transfer Shield Strength III  Tyken's Rift III   

Ship Loadout: Somerville Intel Science Vessel

Slot  Item  Notes 
Fore Weapon 1  Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo Launcher   Projectile R&D Lv15. Radiation DoT 
Fore Weapon 2  Gravimetric Photon Torpedo Launcher  Dyson Reputation. Gravimetric Rifts + Protonic Arsenal Set 
Fore Weapon 3  Dyson Proton Weapon  Dyson Reputation. Protonic Arsenal Set 
Aft Weapon 1  Morphogenic Polaron Energy Weapon   Mission reward from "Home". Morphogenic Set for more crit 
Aft Weapon 2  Morphogenic Polaron Energy Torpedo Launcher   Mission reward from "Home". Morphogenic Set for more crit 
Aft Weapon 3  Omni-Directional Chronometric Polaron Beam Array  Mission reward from "Time and Tide". Filler, Polaron based to match the other energy weapon. Doesnt really matter though. 
Shields  Temporal Defense Initiative Regenerative Shield Array  Temporal Reputation. 2pc Bonus is great for SCI builds 
Deflector  Elite Fleet Intervention Protomatter Deflector Array  Fleet Colony. Alternative: Bajor Defense Deflector Array (Reengineered to EPG/ctrlX) 
Secondary Deflector  Strategic Deteriorating Secondary Deflector  Fleet Research Lab. Reengineer to EPG/ctrlX 
Impulse Engines  Temporal Defense Initiative Combat Impulse Engines  Temporal Reputation, 2pc set. Alternative: Prevailing Impulse Engines from Competitive Wargames Reputation 
Warp Core  Elite Fleet Isolated Protomatter Warp Core  Fleet Colony. Alternative: Temporal Defense Initiative Overcharged Warp Core (when using the alternative engines above) 
Devices  Battery - Exotic Particle Flood  Consumable exotic damage boost. Science R&D Lv10. 
  Battery - Hull Patch  Consumable HP boost. Engineering R&D Lv10.
Alternative: Prototype Ablative Jevonite Hardpoints. 
  Red Matter Capacitor  Increase Power Levels. Alternative: Aux or Shield Battery. 
3 Engineering Consoles  Console - Universal - Assimilated Module  Omega Reputation. More crit 
  Console - Universal - Nukara Particle Converter  Nukara Reputation. Filler for some EPG. Upgrade: Console - Universal - Constriction Anchor for EPG boost and nice ability (Lockbox/Exchange) 
  Console - Universal - Proton Charge Launcher  Dyson Reputation. Protonic Arsenal Set 
4 Science Consoles  Console - Science - Exotic Particle Field Exciter Mk XV Ultra Rare  Science R&D Lv15. EPG Mod if possible. ctrlX is good too, anything else only on a budget 
  Console - Science - Exotic Particle Focuser  Fleet Research Lab. THE goto SCI console. More EPG! 
  Console - Science - Exotic Particle Focuser   
  Console - Science - Exotic Particle Focuser   
3 Tactical Consoles  Console - Tactical - Morphogenic Matrix Controller  Mission reward from "Home". Morphogenic Set for more crit 
  Console - Universal - Overloaded SIF Linkage  Europa Heavy Battlecruiser. The "oh crap" button to heal. Alternatives are: Protomatter Field Projector (Lukari Ho'kuun), Reiterative Structural Capacitor (Event reclaim, Phoenix Store) or Hull Image Refractors (Lockbox/Exchange). If you don't need healing, use something like DPRM (Atlas Prototype Dreadnought), Tachyokinetic Converter (Lobi), Bioneural Infusion Circuit (Lobi) 
  Console - Tactical - Chronometric Capacitor  Mission reward from "Time and Tide". Upgrade: Console - Universal - Delphic Tear Generator for EPG boost and nice ability (Lockbox/Exchange) 

Officer Details

Bridge Officers  Power  Notes 
Commander Science-Intelligence  Override Subsystem Safeties I   AUX Boost, use Hazard Emitters or Science Team on non-Intel seats 
Astrophysicist  Photonic Officer I   Cooldown Reduction 
  Subspace Vortex III   Damage and Control 
  Gravity Well III   Damage and Control 
Lt. Commander Tactical  Tactical Team I   Shield Distribution 
Romulan Operative  Attack Pattern Delta I   Buff/Debuff 
  Torpedo: Spread III   More Torps = More DoTS/Rifts 
Lt. Commander Engineering  Emergency Power to Shields I   Survivability 
Kentari Ferocity  Engineering Team II   Healing/Debuff 
  Emergency Power to Auxiliary III   AUX Boost 
Lieutenant Universal-Intelligence  Tachyon Beam I   Proc SecDef 
Engineered Soldier (Space)  Destabilizing Resonance Beam I   Proc SecDef 
Ensign Science  Structural Analysis I   Proc SecDef 

Traits & Duty Officers

Some of the personal traits are only available for EC or in lockboxes. Use the freely available one as fillers until you can afford those.
Most starship traits are from T6 ships, luckily most are from more "cheap" ones. Use what you have to replace traits you don't have (yet), and check the exchange for cheap yet useful lockbox traits.

Trait  Name  Description  Notes 
Personal Traits  Particle Manipulator  Improved Criticals for Exotic Damage, based on Particle Generators  Science R&D Level 15 
  Astrophysicist  Space Trait. Improves your Starship Particle Generators, Flow Capacitors, and Sensors stats, which enhance ship's Exotic Particle Damage, Energy Drains and Stealth Detection, as well as your Confuse and Placate resistance.  Get the superior upgrade of this trait at Fleet K13.
  Conservation of Energy  Space Trait. This trait causes all energy weapon attacks against you to have a chance of increasing your Exotic Damage. This damage increase stacks up to three times. Exotic Damage powers are powers whose damage increases with the Starship Particle Generators skill.   
  Enlightened  Space Trait. Increases Exotic Damage and Hull Regeneration.   
  Inspirational Leader  Space Trait. In any command scenario, your natural charisma and unflinching command allows you to inspire your crew to new heights of performance.    
  Context is for Kings  Space Trait. Each second while in combat, if you did not take damage in the past second, you gain a damage bonus. Otherwise, you gain a boost to your Damage Resistence Rating.   
  Pseudo-Submission  Space Trait. Using a self hull heal will placate attackers, targeting you, rendering them unable to target you briefly.   
  Terran Targeting Systems  Space Trait. Significantly improves your Critical Severity. However, receiving a critical strike slows you somewhat for a brief duration.   
  Into the Breach  Space Trait. Defeating an enemy debuffs nearby enemies' damage resistance rating by 7 per rank of the downed enemy.   
Starship Traits  Temporal Anchor  - Gravity Wells you create anchor enemies in time as well as space, preventing temporal travel as well as interfering with the electron tunneling required for basic electronics. This gives the Gravity Well a distinctive appearance, additional Radiation damage, and a chance per tick to add cooldown to foe abilities.  Glenn Legendary Mastery Lv6 
  Improved Gravity Well  - Your Gravity Well anomalies last twice as long, and recharge much faster. Additionally, the primary foe targeted by your Gravity Well activation will have their damage resistance rating reduced for the duration of the anomaly.  Andorian Chimesh / Lethean Nemosin / Dewan Ikkabar Pilot Escort 
  Improved Photonic Officer  - While this trait is slotted, the duration of Photonic Officer is increased. In addition, while Photonic Officer is active, you will gain a significant boost to your Exotic Damage and Outgoing Healing.  Tholian Iktomi Mastery 
  Spore-Infused Anomalies  - Science and Intel abilities cause your anomalies to deal damage.  Somerville Mastery 
  Honored Dead  - Game Description: While this trait is active, any damage received during combat will be added to the defensive capabilities of your vessel, resulting in stacking benefits to Damage Resistance and passive Hull Regeneration as certain damage thresholds are met or exceeded. Once you reach maximum stacks of this, additional damage will instead grant a small amount of Temporary Hit Points at each threshold.  For Feds/Roms: Exchange or Infinity Prize Pack: Starship Trait; for KDF: Sarcophagus Mastery 
Space Reputation Traits  Particle Generator Amplifier  Bonus Exotic Damage  Iconian Rep T2 
  Precision  Increases your Critical Hit Chance in space combat.  New Romulus Rep T2 
  Advanced Targeting Systems  Slightly increases critical severity in space combat.  Dyson Sphere Rep T2 
  Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense  In space combat you gain a damage and accuracy boost based on your Auxiliary Power Level.  Nukara Rep T4 
  Auxiliary Power Configuration - Defense  In space combat you gain a bonus to Maximum Hull HP, Maximum Shield HP, Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating and Energy Damage Resistance Rating that scales based on your Auxiliary Power Level.  Nukara Rep T4 
Duty Officers  Gravimetric Scientist  [SP] Chance to create an aftershock Gravity Well   
  Projectile Weapons Officer  [SP] Chance to reduce the time to recharge torpedoes   
  Projectile Weapons Officer  [SP] Chance for stacking Crit Severity buff on firing Projectiles   
  Photonic Studies Scientist  [SP] Reduce recharge time of Photonic abilities   
  Biochemist  [SP] Reduce Threat after activating Exotic Damage  Xindi: Kil’thik’zi 
  Nurse  [SP] Increases Hull Regeneration  Filler until you can afford the one above. 
  Security Officer  [SP] '''Strength Through Unity''': increased stats after using Bridge Officer Abilities  31 of 47. Improve Exotic Damage by 25% for 30 seconds, Improve Damage Over Time by 50% for 30 seconds. 
  Projectile Weapons Officer  [SP] Chance to reduce the time to recharge torpedoes  Filler until you can afford the one above.


Chapter 9: Screenshots

Power Subsystem
Power Subsystem