STO Damage Math

Outgoing Weapon Damage (Pre-Resistance Damage)

`[D] = [Base] * (([WpnPwr]+100)/200) * (1+∑[A]) * (1+∑[B]) * (1+Π[F]) * ([R])`

[Base]= Base damage of damage source
[WpnPwr]= Current Weapon Subsystem Power
[A]= Cat1/SetA damage bonuses, additive
[B]= Cat2/SetB damage bonuses, additive, including severity bonuses
[F]= All other final damage multipliers, multiplicative
[R]= Range fall-off, as applicable (for non-energy weapons, R=1)
[D]= Pre-resist damage to target

Range fall-off:
`[R] = (IF([kmf\romtarg\e\t]<=2,1,((1-([kmf\romtarg\e\t]-2)*(0.0625-0.0125*[LRTS])))))`

[kmfromtarget] = distance from target, in kilometers
[LRTS] = Ranks in Long-Range Targeting Sensors (0,1,2, or 3)

Incoming Damage Assignments (Post-Resistance Damage)

`[L] = [D] * (1-[Bl\eed])` `[S] = [D] * ([Bl\eed])`

[D]= Pre-resist damage to target
[Bleed]= Shield bleedthrough percentage (when target is unshielded, B=0)
[S]= Pre-resist damage to target, assigned to shields
[L]= Pre-resist damage to target, assigned to hull

In all cases, [D] = [L] + [S]

To Shields:
`[E] = [S] * ([N])`

[S]= Pre-resist damage to target, assigned to shields
[N]= Shield resistance multiplier
[E]= Damage to shields

To Hull:
`[H] = [L] * ([M])`

[L]= Pre-resist damage to target, assigned to hull
[M]= Hull resistance multiplier
[H]= Damage to hull

`[G] = ([D] * [M] * (1-[Bl\eed])) + (([D] * [N]) * [Bl\eed])`

[G] = Total damage to target
[D] = Pre-resist damage to target
[M]= Hull resistance multiplier
[N]= Shield resistance multiplier
[Bleed] = Shield bleedthrough percentage

Damage Resistance Multipliers

`[M] = (((1/4) + (3 * (75/(150+[r]))^2)) / ((1/4) + (3 * (75/(150+[d]))^2))) * (100/(100+[e]))`

[M] = Hull resistance multiplier
[r] = damage resistance rating reductions, additive
[d] = damage resistance rating increases, additive
[e] = damage resistance rating bonuses, additive

Cat2/SetB and Criticals

`f([B]) = ([C] * ((1+∑[b]+[S])) + (1-[C]) * (1+∑[b]))`

[B] = Cat2/SetB bonuses, additive, including severity bonuses
[b] = Cat2/SetB bonuses, additive, _excluding_ severity bonuses
[S] = Critical Severity bonuses
[C] = Critical Hit Chance

General (combined) Formula

`[G] = ([Base]` `\ \ \ \ \ \ \ * (([WpnPwr]+100/200) * ((1+∑[A]) * (1+([C] * ((1+∑[b]+[S])) + (1-[C]) * (1+∑[b]))) * (1+Π[F]) * (1-[R])))` `\ \ \ \ \ \ \ * ((1-[Bl\eed]) * (((1/4) + (3 * (75/(150+[r]))^2)) / ((1/4) + (3 * (75/(150+[d]))^2))) * (100/(100+[e])) + (([Bl\eed]) * ([N])))) `

[G] = Total damage to target
[Base] = Base damage of damage source
[WpnPwr] = Weapon Subsystem Power Level
[A] = Cat1/SetA bonuses, additive
[b] = Cat2/SetB bonuses, additive, _excluding_ severity bonuses
[S] = Critical Severity bonuses
[C] = Critical Hit Chance
[F] = all other non-set, non-resistance, non-range final multipliers, multiplicative
[R] = distance to range fall-off multiplier, where applicable
[Bleed] = total shield bleedthrough percentage, where applicable
[r] = damage resistance rating reductions, additive
[d] = damage resistance rating increases, additive
[e] = damage resistance rating bonuses, additive
[N] = shield resistance multiplier (term to be expanded at a later date)